Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monkeys can do math...

...big deal...

According to national geographic news, a recent study at Duke University has discovered that monkeys are able to do subtraction, lo and behold... WITH DOTS! Oh and they emphasize that the monkeys are not doing subtraction through counting but what the researchers call "a more instantaneous ability- number sense.

I'm sorry but am I supposed to be amazed? Apparently we share 98.5% of our genes with our retarded cousins, supposedly making us very genetically similar. If you ask me, that 1.5% makes a huge difference and I don't care what Darwin says but we did not evolve from those things. God obviously created humans in his image and apes were unfortunately just never in the plan.

Yeah monkeys can do math now..

so can six year old retarded kids. Four if you're Asian.


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