Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Monkeys can do math...

...big deal...

According to national geographic news, a recent study at Duke University has discovered that monkeys are able to do subtraction, lo and behold... WITH DOTS! Oh and they emphasize that the monkeys are not doing subtraction through counting but what the researchers call "a more instantaneous ability- number sense.

I'm sorry but am I supposed to be amazed? Apparently we share 98.5% of our genes with our retarded cousins, supposedly making us very genetically similar. If you ask me, that 1.5% makes a huge difference and I don't care what Darwin says but we did not evolve from those things. God obviously created humans in his image and apes were unfortunately just never in the plan.

Yeah monkeys can do math now..

so can six year old retarded kids. Four if you're Asian.


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Valentine's, midterms and other ramblings.

First physics midterm tomorrow.

I thought and hoped that Physics 212 was going to be easier. At least, that's what my roommate told me. I found out for myself in the past few weeks however, that it's conceptually hard, confusing, boring and although it's supposedly a 4 hour class, we meet for 2x 1 hour lectures with 2x30 minute prelectures to do at home, a 2 hour discussion and a 2 hour lab EVERY SINGLE WEEK. That totals to 7 hours. Not to mention the homework requires extensive visits to TA office hours where there are 15 people queued up so you only get a cumulative total of 10 minutes of 1 to 1 attention after being there for 3 hours. I hate it. With a passion.

I've realized that this whole 4 year college ordeal isn't even for myself anymore. Since I hate it so much, the only motivation that keeps me going is the belief that God has a place and plan for me and that I'm in this because somewhere, somehow down the line, it's going to be good for me. I have faith in that He's not going to screw me over by putting me through 4 years of torture and then slapping me in the face with a big fat JOBLESS. He's soverign and omnipotent and my job is to listen and slowly trudge through the hardships placed in front of me. I'll get there eventually.

On a brighter note, Valentine's Day was a highly anticipated day this year because it always is when you have a boyfriend haha <3<3! It didn't start out all that great on Friday when he drove down though. Got kinda mad at him because I ditched large group and small group to hang out with him and then he calls me and says he's gonna go drink with his friends. After a very awkward time however, it was all good again and he ended up staying over at my place. We had dinner on Saturday at Kennedy's Stone Creek which was very nice (Remember: Mushroom explosion Soup!) Then watched Shopaholic at Savoy, although I felt kinda sorry for him cause it's the epitome of chick flick. After that we hung out at my place again and he stayed until Monday. Yup. He's back in Chicago now but it's all good. Too busy this week anyways.

Well it's time for me to bury my face in physics again.. oh the joy..........

-luxxbaby. FIGHTING!