Friday, November 14, 2008


Ever get that excited feeling that you're expecting something really great but there's this obstacle before it that you have to get over until you can experience what you're looking forward to? That feeling really sucks. Thanksgiving break starts next Friday. I'll be leaving on a jetplane to Ohio on the Saturday that follows to spend thanksgiving with the best friend who I haven't seen for a year due to mis-scheduled vacations. But before all this excitement ensues, there's an exam today for Materials science, a 10-page paper on the presidential elections that I really couldn't care less about, and another highly dreaded physics exam on Thursday. And that's additional to all the other homework that I have to do. I really don't want to make the first post of this blog about my complaints but majoring in engineering is just very difficult and I'm sure all my friends have heard enough whining about my depressing academic life.

The Materials Science exam is in three hours, and even though I haven't finished studying I feel strangely calm. Kinda like death sentenced prisoners who have accepted their fate. Other than the exam, the KSA tournament is at 10pm at CRCE tonight. Boyfriend's going to be playing tonight!

I do hope this day will get better.

luxxbaby. FIGHTING!